Printable Basal Body Temperature Menstrual Cycle Tracker (Celsius)
- Temperature in celsius 36°C - 37.25°C
- Designed for people avoiding pregnacy
- Up to 40 day cycle length
- Recommended for use with the Fertility Awareness Method (See the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler)
- Blank Fields Include:
- Cycle date
- Shortest cycle, longest cycle, this luteal phase length, this cycle length
- Cycle day date
- Peak day & luteal phase count
- Waking temperature chart (36°C - 37.25°C)
- Birth control methods used
- Intercourse tracker
- Cervical fluid/period tracker
- Cervix position tracker
- Abdominal/ovulatory pain tracker
- Four blank fields for your own symptoms
- Large notes field (including day 7 breast self exam reminder)
This is a free resource. If you would like any custom changes to the tracker please contact me here. There will be a small fee ($5 - $30 AUD) associated with a custom tracker, the price will be dependant on the changes requested.
Menstrual Cycle Temperature Tracker